Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Into the Mind and Beyond

According to what i have experienced in the 3 years of my life as a awakened being i have come to realize that in existence there are only two directions (inward and outward) and there is no such thing as time ( only action and reaction exists). Regardless of which point in the multidimensional and parallel universe you travel to these two things are constant. I also came to realize after spending much time exploring my innerself that my physical body is made up of the same thing that everything else in the universe is made up of i.e energy. My consciousness is made by the combination of information my sensory organs such as eyes, nose, ears , skin have experienced and felt upto the age of 20. However, at the age of 20 my innerself or my trueself awakened because of an incident and what formed my innerself i am unsure and i am still searching for an answer.
At this point in life i am able to see the illusion that we as a human society believe is reality. Human reality is an illusion formed by a shared consciousness of all the people living today. example : a large number of people following a set of ethics and morals call themselves a religious group and they believe in the religion as if it were a universal reality . Those who came before us agreed with eachother and shared a singular conscious as a result we see the world today , everything we see in todays world be it music, fashion , lifestyles everything that you can think of is just a shared conscious of like minded individuals. So, in the multidimensional universe what we as humans believe in as reality is actually not true. However, i do realize right now in this point of life we are limited to Earth but does that really give us the right to be ignorant and form our own set of rules instead of going with the universal flow? I don't know if most of us even realize this or have a consciousness big enough to grasp this true reality .When i talk to my friends about it they react  almost ignorantly but their facial expressions tells me they are not being ignorant on purpose. I thought about it a lot and realized the moment they were born they have been taught what to do and what not to, even i was like them until the age of 20 but after that one incident my consciousness was altered.I believe most of the people are in a hypnotized state where they are conscious but that consciousness has a boundary just as big as the human society.
If you do realize this just as i do then you might also have realized that these people displaying collective behavior tend to defend their miniature version of reality bound to earth itself very aggressively as if they are under a spell or something. They tend to assume that the person telling them that their reality is only limited to earth are actually people who think they are more intelligent or full of themselves and they almost instantly get annoyed or angry or give a negative reaction be it visible or subliminal, it is very weird. All the problems in the world today has been created by us if you think about it. We went against the laws of nature , made a society based on false reality , limited our minds and our consciousness so now we are paying the price the system of world today is collapsing brick by brick. I do realize humans have great potential , just the mere size of our universe boggled my mind and thinking about multiple universe and multi dimensions made me very excited and high in the beginning. Now i am even more amazed by the size of our mind , i believe our mind can fit everything in existence and still have tons of space to fit information about what is beyond existence.
At this point in time humans are confined to language for communication but you may have realized you are short on words sometimes when you're trying to express you're feelings or trying to explain something you felt when you were meditating, well i certainly have more than once :) . Currently im trying to find a link between minds of 2 different people , i don't know if minds are interconnected somehow but just because i haven't experienced telepathy myself doesn't make me ignorant enough to say it doesn't exist .Since i realize everything is a part of me and i am a part of everything i feel like we are interconnected i just can't pinpoint the link that would allow me to communicate through my mind.
And i have experienced that whatever we do consciously or unconsciously is like a wormhole in a first person view. If we are focused on something then we go deeper and deeper down the tunnel and everything else seems to fade behind as we progress deeper and now you're  mind is so focused on that one tunnel you don't even think about anyother thing after some time you get back to where you were the main wormhole i.e idle state. now at the end of this wormhole the starting point of the tunnel starts looking at it in a bird's eye view we are actually on a loop . I know this sounds confusing , i talked about inwards and outwards earlier if you go inward to you're innerself (spiritually) or if you go outwards ( scientifically ) both of the path leads to the end where the innerself and the outer world seems to collide in unision. Basically im trying to say what you experience deep within you and what you'll find out way out there in the universe are connected so you can go inwards or you can go outwards with a logical mind you end up in the same point the beginning of existence. however, outwards is bit unreliable as we are still limited to our own solarsystem :).
So these are a few things I've come to realize on my short yet long path of meditation over 3 years. I'd very much like to hear you're opinions on what i have experienced and please do share you're experiences as i am very interested in these things because it makes me feel alive and really feel like i exist :D
P.s sorry if i have spelling mistakes my keyboard is kinda bad and for grammatical errors let me tell you im Asian :p bad English haha just an excuse :D

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